Hi, it’s Chris from Blissful Kids. I have some super exciting news for you. But first I must share this…

As you probably know, Blissful Kids is a community made up of tens of thousands of parents, teachers, counselors and therapists across the globe.

Today we are 62,603 strong. Imagine that!

62,603 amazing mindful people empowering children all over the globe!

( BTW: If you’re in a hurry then scroll down for images to see how the cards work. )

Here’s a map showing where people have signed up for our newsletter.

Becky, a mom from our community, wrote to me yesterday and inspired me to write this article.

Beck wrote:

One of my 4-year-old twins already does baby shark breathing on his own when he gets upset. It’s amazing to watch! I can’t help but think what a powerful long-term impact these skills can have on children’s emotional development and mental health.

And that’s exactly the point of Blissful Kids!

That is what WE do. 62,603 amazing mindful parents, educators and therapists helping children develop essential life-skills.

My sincere wish is that every child has the opportunity to learn these amazing skills. I truly believe that children with mindfulness skills can build a better future for the whole planet.

Helping children feel and do better is like planting seeds that can change the course of our shared tomorrow.

So, I updated our mission statement.

I know it’s lofty, but they say that if you aim for stars you might land on the moon.

Here it is.

Empower Every Child

Go big or go home, right? :-)

I know I can’t do that on my own. It’s not as if there’s a huge organization behind Blissful Kids… it’s just me, my wife and my son working on this blog.

But, WE can make BIG change!

You are already making change happen—all over the planet!

It’s you empowering.

It’s you making the difference.


I see my role as helping you do your magic…

Then, perhaps the most important part of Blissful Kids’ mission is to…

…make mindfulness as easy as possible.

Because, to practice mindfulness with children, I want to make it easy for you to teach and easy for the kids to practice.

That’s been the pole star for me from the start.

And now, to make mindfulness with children even easier I’m finishing our next mindfulness tool to…


Teach children focusing skills, self-regulation, joy, gratitude, kindness and a growth mindset


Here’s a first sneak peek…


( Yes, my son, Anton, has lost two teeth already <3 <3 <3 )


Now, the reason I’m super excited about this is that…


The Ultimate Mindfulness and Growth Mindset Cards…

…is a community project we’ve worked on TOGETHER from the start!


To make the cards exactly as you want them I asked you what you’d like to see included in the cards. And I got amazing ideas that I’m now applying to the design.

In fact, I got 376 mindful responses from you!

Here are some of your ideas…


You came up with AWESOME ideas…

…that I implemented for you:


✅ Step-by-step guiding/teaching and real-world situations to apply these concepts

Quick and easy mindfulness in the classroom

✅ Different colours for mindfulness and growth mindset

Kindness and compassion exercises

✅ How to recognize when to stop and breathe

Something to suit those who find it difficult/unhelpful to engage in structured mindfulness

✅ Examples and topics that kids can relate to

Dealing with stressful emotions

✅ The value of failing

Paying attention and listening

✅ Compassion (including to self)

Quick-to-hand breathing exercises

✅ Breathing techniques and positive self-talk

Noticing their breath/breathing so they can understand how to belly breathe (it took me YEARS to figure out how to do this!)

✅ Dealing with emotions and how to get along with others

Gratitude, empathy, and kindness

✅ The power of yet

Managing emotions

✅ Resilience

Body awareness

✅ Heartfulness


Kindness practice: our world really needs this right now.


Thank you—you rock!!

( BTW: You can sign up here to be the FIRST to know when we launch the cards and get huge early bird discounts. )


And… I’m getting more and more wonderful feedback!


Here’s what Becky wrote about the cards:

I received your email and am so excited about the cards! I think it’s a wonderful idea. I have been looking for a quick way to teach my kids mindfulness and calming techniques, and this sounds perfect!

Mindfulness and growth mindset cards you haven’t seen before


You know, I’ve seen mindfulness cards before, but none of them were structured as a powerful teaching tool or were very in-depth and still easy to use.

So, I wanted to take it to the next level by making it a complete package of:

easy-to-do micro-activities,

simple explanations,

engaging talking points

and even short quizzes.

I created 120 engaging cards with all you need to make teaching and practicing mindfulness and a growth mindset effortless and powerful.

Now, we have our cards on our breakfast table so that we remember to practice and keep learning more about the empowering themes. Themes including:

  • Self-regulation
  • Kindness and self-kindness
  • Focusing skills
  • Resilience
  • Gratitude and joy

It’s such a fun way to connect and start the day on a positive note.

Depending on how you want to use the cards…


You can have your deck of empowering mindfulness and growth mindset cards…



Seriously, practice doesn’t feel like a chore when it’s this easy…


Here’s what makes it INCREDIBLY easy


All you need to do is pick a card. You read it aloud and you’re practicing already! You simply pick a card and read it out loud. Each task takes anything from a minute up to five, depending on how much time you want to spend on it.


And… as per your request I made special icons for different types of activities…

so it’s easy for you to choose cards.


Teach your children one new thing each day…


with simple explanations, questions, talking points and micro-activities, taking as little as a minute and no more than five.


Take big, complicated things to learn and break them down into bite-sized pieces, scaled to what children can handle and enjoy.


Nurture Mindfulness, Growth Mindset and SEL competencies including critical social skills


✅ Identifying emotions

✅ Relationship building

✅ Communication

✅ Social engagement

✅ Perspective taking

✅ Empathy

✅ Understanding feelings

✅ Noticing the feelings of others

✅ Listening

✅ Coping with emotions

✅ Changing one’s mood

✅ Boosting the positive

✅ Using self-control


I’m really proud of our project because…


Practicing mindfulness, learning social emotional skills and nurturing a growth mindset don’t get much easier


Easily develop awesome mindfulness and growth mindset superpowers together and connect.


  • No more forgetting to practice
  • No more feeling that it’s too much of a chore
  • No more scribbling notes in books, your card deck is all you need
  • Place the card deck on your breakfast table to start the day mindfully
  • In your bag to have your cards ready at your clinic
  • Use the cards in your classroom to help children focus and feel better
  • Read a card with step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow
  • A minute or two is enough
  • No previous mindfulness experience is needed
  • Make it easy, convenient and engaging


Does that sound good to you?


Okay, good, but…

…yes there’s a but.


*** I need your support on this last milestone ***


I have literally tried more than 200 mindfulness activities for children. I’ve spent hours and hours on writing and testing to achieve this result.

We’ve been reading cards written on scraps of paper for months with my son and wife.

Needles to say… a lot of work has gone into this :-)


Remember, we’re not a big companyit’s just a dad, a mom and our 6-year-old son.

So… to make it all happen…


We are “Kickstarting” it together to get friendly pricing for you


A niche printing project such as this can only be cost-effective if a specific volume threshold is reached. We need to kickstart it very soon on a US-based funding platform like Kickstarter and IndieGogo.

It means that we will sell pre-orders on Indiegogo and Kickstarter to get enough funding to make a big order of cards—which allows us to make the price very friendly for you.

If for some reason we don’t get funded all the way, you get to keep your money—zero risk for you.


Production of the cards is straightforward


All writing is done! My wife designed the cute card covers… we’re all set!

In fact, we have all of the 120 cards ready.

And we are working with a manufacturer that has produced card games for major companies.

The only aspect of the project that needs funding is printing a large volume of decks to get the price per deck low for you.

The manufacturer keeps emailing me every week and asking if we’re ready to “press print”.




With your help, we’ll be able to get this inventive project printed and make Ultimate Mindfulness and Growth Mindset Cards a reality!




Ultimate Mindfulness and Growth Mindset Cards

Empower children for life – in less than 5 minutes a day


  • Join the movement and be a force for good
  • Enter your email to get info on discounted VIP pricing
  • Be the FIRST to know when we launch and get huge early bird discounts
  • BONUS: Get instant access to a Mindfulness ebook with playful activities

Phew, that was a long article!

It’s just that this is really important for us and we believe the cards will help many. <3

Thank you for reading all the way :-)

With gratitude,

Chris & family

Chris Bergstrom

Chief Mindfulness Ninja @ Blissful Kids

 #1 Best-Selling Author of:

Chris Bergstrom is a bestselling mindfulness author, a leader in the field of mindfulness, the founder of BlissfulKids.com, a blog dedicated to children’s mindfulness, and a dad who is thrilled to practice mindfulness with his son. He is a certified mindfulness facilitator and is trained to teach mindfulness to students in K–12. He’s also known as “the dad who tried 200+ mindfulness activities” and has taught meditation for more than 15 years.