My friend, Brigitte, who is also passionate about sharing mindfulness with children just started her Kindness Classroom YouTube Channel. I love the energy she brings to her videos and what’s really cool is that she reads mindful children’s books on her channel!

You’ll find one full book below. See if it’s something you’d like to read or show to your kids.

Teachers have told me how they have read this book to students in their virtual classrooms and how it’s an effective way to get kids to participate.

And I’ve gotten emails from parents who are astonished to see their four and five year-olds self-regulating with this exact mindful breathing method :) It works so well because it’s easy, fun and memorable.

Story Time With Brigitte: Mindful Calming Breathing

Here’s Brigitte reading “Baby Shark Saves The Day” a fun mindful children’s story that teaches mindful breathing. I can vouch for the book, after all, I’m one of the co-authors, if you didn’t guess already :) You can find the book in print and on Kindle here on Amazon if you like it.

Are you ready for mindful story time? Click play below and see for yourself :)

I hope you liked Brigitte’s channel and the book :)

Brigitte is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and a French Kindergarten teacher in Canada. Please support her work by watching and subscribing to her Youtube Channel, she’s awesome!

You can find Brigitte and her Kindness Classroom here:

Kindness Classroom on Facebook

Kindness Classroom on Instagram

Kindness Classroom YouTube Channel

Thank you Brigitte for empowering children, you are an inspiration <3 I wish I was as cool as you on Youtube.

Wishing you peace and joy,

Chris Bergstrom

Chief Mindfulness Ninja @ Blissful Kids

PS Baby Shark Saves The Day has gotten some pretty amazing reviews, here are a few:

★★★★★ “What a wonderful and simple way to teach children about mindfulness. I’m a behavior interventionist at an urban elementary school and will be using this book in my instruction. – Teresa, Behavior Interventionist

★★★★★ “I coach elementary classrooms in mindfulness and this will become one of my go to resources.” – Meg, Mindfulness Teacher and Instructional Coach

★★★★★ “Drawing on their experiences actually putting mindfulness into practice, the Bergstrom family have created an engaging and fun way to introduce mindful breathing to children.” – Rebecca, Educational and Developmental Psychologist and Mum

★★★★★ “What a wonderful children’s book. Introducing mindfulness through storytelling is a fun and engaging way to help children build confidence, understand emotions and overcome anxious feelings. – Jana, Mindfulness Teacher and Practitioner

★★★★★ “Loved the positive message for both parents and children. Great explanation of how to use mindful breathing in so many situations that are difficult for children.” – Sharon, Children’s Yoga Teacher

★★★★★ “A lovely way of combining a social story and breathing technique in a totally accessible way to young readers.” – Vicky, Behaviour Support Worker

Chris Bergstrom is a bestselling mindfulness author, a leader in the field of mindfulness, the founder of, a blog dedicated to children’s mindfulness, and a dad who is thrilled to practice mindfulness with his son. He is a certified mindfulness facilitator and trained to teach mindfulness to students in K-12. He’s also known as “the dad who tried 200+ mindfulness activities” and has taught meditation for more than 15 years.